The hospitality industry has a high turnover rate of 31-34% for non-management employees. The national average wage for a hospitality worker is around 15.40/hr which is expected for hourly work. So why the high turnover? Here are 4 reasons hotel workers quit their jobs.

Poor Scheduling

Poor scheduling does more than just frustrate employees; it makes them quit. When employees have bosses that send out schedules less than two weeks in advance, or three weeks before a holiday, they’re not given enough time to plan their lives outside of work, which sends them the message that they’re not cared about.

Not Enough PTO

Not enough PTO goes hand in hand with poor scheduling. Hotel employees need vacations—period. Hospitality employers should ensure that their employees have adequate PTO, or they risk employee burn-out and termination. For smaller hotels, PTO that doesn’t accrue and must be used by the end of the year is recommended. Employees being aware that they have PTO is healthy, even if they choose not to use it.

Keeping Bad Employees

Some hotel owners are trying to fight turnover by implementing a “rarely let go” policy. This has the opposite effect. Your high-performing employees will be frustrated by having to work with bad employees and won’t be motivated to work hard if they see employees getting away with mediocre work ethic. If you want to keep your good employees, fire the bad ones.

Not Allowing Working Remote

There are many hotel jobs that can’t be done remotely, such as cleaning. However, marketing, sales, revenue, and accounting staff can definitely work from home, and they should. Working from home is a huge perk that many employees want to take advantage of. It actually increases productivity and efficiency; employees aren’t tempted to rush their work so they can head home and beat traffic.

Among other reasons that hotel workers quit are ridiculous demands, like standing at the front desk all day which is detrimental to their health. One way to fight turnover is with retention software like Refered. Contact us today to learn more about how Refered can help you keep employees and hire great ones.

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