Employees quit for various reasons, but figuring out what those reasons are and how to combat them is a great way to fight turnover. Here are 4 reasons why employees quit.

Not Getting Along with their Boss

No matter how great the pay is, an employee will only put up with an aggravating boss for so long. A bad boss doesn’t just translate to a mean boss. Employers that are disorganized, unclear, or impatient can drive employees away, even if they are “nice.” Constantly evaluate your skills as an employer and take criticism seriously.

Changes in their Life

Employees don’t always quit because they don’t like their job. A new marriage and new move may mean their current place of employment now has a much longer commute. Anything from a new baby to a sudden disability can lead to your employee quitting. Your company can fight this with multiple locations, maternity and paternity leave, and great health insurance.

Stuck in their Career

Lack of career growth is a huge reason employees quit. Employees desire to climb the corporate ladder not only for salary incentives, but because they naturally want to be challenged and take on more responsibility. They want to feel like their effort is going somewhere. It doesn’t make sense to work harder in order to stay at the same place. Offer your employees incentives to grow.

Unrecognized Efforts

If an employee feels they are important to a company, they are much less likely to leave. Your employee should be able to see the impact they have at your company and how quitting would leave a sizable dent. This means recognizing your employees’ accomplishments as often as possible, like in weekly team meetings for instance.

One method many employers are implementing is the use of employee retention software and employee referral programs. Software like Refered encourages hourly employees to stay at their job and refer qualified employees through financial incentives. Talk to an expert about Refered today.

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