It’s unfortunate that recruitment strategies for businesses that hire hourly workers are scarce compared to businesses that hire salaried employees. In fact, recruitment strategies are often presented as general and encompassing of all types of employees, when in reality, they’re only proven successful for businesses seeking salaried professionals. This often leads to employers looking for hourly workers unknowingly implementing recruitment strategies for salaried employees and not seeing any results.

Here’s what no one’s telling you about recruiting hourly employees and how it’s different from recruiting salaried employees.

Facebook, Not LinkedIn

LinkedIn is often the go-to for recruiters. However, LinkedIn proves to be much more successful for recruiting salaried employees than hourly workers. This is because LinkedIn is aimed at professionals, not hourly workers. That’s why less than 36% of hourly employees have a LinkedIn account. Your hourly employee pool is pretty shallow on LinkedIn. Facebook is proven to be a much better recruitment platform for hourly employees, along with free job boards like Indeed, Jobing, Zip Recruiter, Monster, and now even Google.

Flexible Interviews, Quick Hiring

It’s normal for hourly employees to be in school or have other jobs. Therefore, it’s important that your interview window be wider than Monday through Friday 9-5. You may have potential candidates only available for an interview late in the evening or on weekends. If you’re serious about finding good help, you’ll make it work. You should also consider phone, FaceTime, or Skype interviews, as this deters candidates already working from rejecting your interview because they wouldn’t be able to make it to their job on time.

Seek Referrals, Use Tools

It’s typical for hourly employees to be friends with hourly employees. They may be in the same place in life or have similar lifestyles. Often, it’s because they worked together previously. Your current hourly employees are your most valuable recruitment strategy and have an hourly employee network they may not even realize. Incentivize your employees to refer qualified hourly employees. You can do this through Refered, a software made for hourly employee recruitment and retainment. Contact us today for a free demo.

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