Shifts and changes within a company can lead to a staggering amount of employee turnover. Humans are naturally reluctant to change, especially changes that may affect stable necessities in their life—work. Many hourly employees will even begin to look for work elsewhere as soon as changes begin occurring at their current place of employment.

However, there are valuable and strategic methods companies can take to reduce the amount turnover during a change.

Gain Trust Before Change Occurs

Employees are much more likely to not fear change if they already have trust in the company. Has your company made wise decisions during previous changes? What has your company done to deserve trust from your employees? Ensuring your employees that they can rely on your company’s decisions before they’re made will make shifts that much smoother.

Validate Employees’ Voices

Employees are much more likely to accept change if they feel they are being listened to during the process. When employees are called into a meeting to be informed of a decision that has already been made without them, they feel helpless in a sense. This helplessness creates fear and anxiety, which only leads to a hasty choice to look for other work and leave the company.

Support Managers and Supervisors

A common mistake business owners make is leaving the dirty work of a company shift completely in the hands of managers and supervisors. This makes leaders feel frustrated, and they too will begin to look for other work, especially if they’re hourly. Your leaders need tools and resources from the company to help guide their team through changes.

One way to keep employee retention is through employee referral programs. Employee referral programs give your hourly employees incentive to stay employed at your company and find other qualified employees. Talk to Refered today about employee referral and retention software.

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