In 2017, it was reported that caregiver turnover rate was at an astonishing 65.7%. But why is this rate so high? And what can home care agencies do to fight it? Read our article and part 2 to find out!


There is nothing more that frustrates an employee than a boss that ignores their availability. Scheduling an employee when they’re not available can be easily avoided, and either ends in termination or a frustrated resignation.


An employee that breaks policy may not necessarily be a bad employee, but a misinformed employee. Do your new hires immediately learn your agency’s policies, or do they have to teach others the ropes, letting new hires know what they can and can’t get away with? Are your employees informed of policies at their hire date or only after they break them?


The best way to approach employee discipline is as a learning opportunity rather than a punishment. Employees will react much more positively to a private meeting where a warning is given than a write-up. Allow your employee to explain why they made the decision they did. Ask them if another employee gave them different information.


Are you being more lenient with employees who have worked longer? What does your caregiver do when a client claims another caregiver served them differently? How often has an employee witnessed you allowing a client to disregard a policy they tried to enforce? Remember, if you run your agency with the “client is always right” mentality, your staff and caregivers will disregard your rules as well.

How Refered Helps

Refered is an employee recruitment and referral program that makes hiring and keeping caregivers a breeze. Our unique software program provides incentives for your employees when they refer an employee you hire. Request a demo today.

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