
Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Post to 40+ job boards with the Refered RecruitSM ATS and management. Supercharge your hiring with custom application forms, robust reporting tools, and more.

Payroll Data Sync & Import

Import your employee data with just a few clicks! Upload in CSV format or sync with Paychex® for automated bonus calculations.

Social Sharing

Empower your employees to act as recruiters and help you reach more candidates with social share to SMS, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.

Job Posts & Announcements

Drive internal retention and employee engagement with company wide and department specific announcements and job posts.

All Features Included in Every Plan

* Refered SMS charge of $0.01 per message. Additional carrier message & data rates may apply.

Recruit. Reward. Retain.SM

Learn how Refered can help you reduce turnover rate by an average of 22%.

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